Research and Development Activities in SPA Vijayawada - 2021
The School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada has been regularly taking up key Consultancy and Research projects and assignments with the Government, the Industry and the International partners. It is a matter of pride to state that SPA Vijayawada has been fostering research environment by actively encouraging students and faculty to take up research in several emerging areas. Some of the noteworthy projects completed or in progress are –
a)European Union funded Project – The School is undertaking a prestigious project titled ‘Building Resilient Urban Communities (BReUCom)’ which is being executed together with Danube University Austria, ITC Netherlands, SPA Bhopal and NIT Hamirpur. The integration of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary aspects of urban resilience into architectural and urban planning training and education is the essence of this research project. SPA Vijayawada is presently working on the pilot implementation and evaluation of the PDPs and OCWs for all partner institutions, as the lead organisation for the Work Package 4, which is under progress.
b)Ministry of Panchati Raj, Government of India –SPA Vijayawada has successfully completed the preparation of Gram Panchayat Spatial Development Plans for two villages of Andhra Pradesh in December 2020, under the funding of Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt of India. The project showcased a sustainable process of preparation of village spatial development plans with ecology, economy and social development at the core. SPAV’s plans were greatly applauded by the MoPR and has been now taken up as a model for other states for implementation.
c)Directorate of Town and Country Planning, Govt of Andhra Pradesh (DTCP, GoAP) - SPA Vijayawada has developed and submitted the Draft version of the “Andhra Pradesh Regional and Urban Planning Act 2020” to the Directorate of Town and Country Planning, Government of Andhra Pradesh (DTCP, GoAP), which is the process of revising the Town and Country Planning Act 1920 of the State. This a landmark work shall guide the growth and development of urban and regional planning for the coming times in the State, and SPAV has been entrusted to develop this landmark Act. The draft Act is under finalization by the DTCP, GoAP.
d)GIS Based Master Plans – SPA Vijayawada is in the process of preparing the GIS based Master Plans for Bheemavaram region and for Eluru region. These Master Plan projects are funded under the AMRUT scheme of Government of India and are prepared for the DTCP, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
e)Design and Innovation Centre (DIC) –At the Design and Innovation Centre (DIC) of SPA Vijayawada, two innovative social responsive products are being developed, which are ‘Temporary Housing Units’, and ‘Self-inking Kalamkari Printing Blocks’. Design registration for both the products in progress. Design ideas of these products were presented in All India DIC meet in SPA Delhi, in 2019. State-of-the-art Innovation Lab is being established in SPA Vijayawada through DIC to impart the culture of research and innovation amongst the students and faculty.
f)Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) –UBA is a project funded by the Government of India, where SPA Vijayawada has adopted five villages for which development plan has been prepared with involvement of the local people. First phase of the project is completed. The second phase of the project shall commence shortly, where the focus shall be on the implementation of key concepts, technologies developed in the first phase.
f)Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) –The School has initiated a project funded by the VMC towards developing a “heritage walk circuit in the city of Vijayawada”, which connects its historic medieval caves. The project is in its final stages.
Innovations in the Institute
School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada constantly envisage placing itself at the highest pedestals of academic and research in field of Architecture and Planning through facilitating robust research eco-system and promoting the culture of innovation. Today, Intellectual property (IP) plays an imperative role in creating, preserving and commercializing the intellectual outcome of an Institute. The draft Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy Note, 2019 of the School is aimed at creating awareness, possible areas of IP generation with the works being carried-out by the faculties and researchers at School. This document highlights the vision, mission, and strengths of the departments within the institute for inculcating the idea of new thinking, innovation etc. Further, the documents suggest some of the implementation strategy for cultivating the culture of IPR in research and teachings at SPA Vijayawada. The IPR policy of SPA Vijayawada is framed with a vision to be a leading institute in the country that provides a transformative education for creating leaders and innovators, and generates new knowledge for society and industry within the broader domains of architecture and planning.
The IPR policy of SPA Vijayawada aims at creating robust research eco-system with an ambience in which new ideas, research and scholarship flourish, and from which the new ideas and innovators of tomorrow emerge, by closely working with the strengths of both the departments i.e. Department of Architecture and Department of Planning. The research work carried out by the faculty at the department shall address the problems faced by the region, nation and the world at large. The undergraduate, post-graduate and PhD programs offered at both the departments provide education and research environment that helps in conducting cutting-edge research by understanding the needs of the society and industry. Strong industry-academia interaction is facilitated at the SPA Vijayawada in the form of MoU’s with various national institutes, regional partners and industries to strengthen the education and research ecosystem at SPA Vijayawada.
The faculties of SPA Vijayawada are expertise in Architecture, Sustainable Development, Landscape, Energy Studies, Urban Studies, Product Design, Conservation, Urban Planning, Environmental Planning and Transportation Planning with inherent interest for developing problem-based solutions and technologies at building/neighborhood/city/regional scale. Given the background and multidisciplinary nature of faculties’ research interest, innovative ideas, creative art works, architectural designs, models and products addressing the current societal problems shall be developed. Further, tools and techniques to understand, model and accurately predict comfort, energy demand, cooling islands created by trees & water bodies, population growth, change of land use, migration flows, population displacements, urban flooding and disaster related phenomenon shall be developed. 3D Visualisation tools through augmented reality and GIS applications shall be developed for heritage or monument sites, neighborhood and city. Decision support tool in terms of performance of material, planting design, energy efficiency at building and neighborhood scale shall be developed. Further, decision support tools for assessing and managing the new infrastructure in the urban extension areas, intelligent transportation support system shall also be developed. These innovations and technological solutions shall improve the scientific temperament in teaching learning at SPA Vijayawada, and these innovations shall have a significant impact on knowledge, society, the economy, and individuals with significant commercial and scientific value.
The culture of innovation and IPR at SPA Vijayawada shall be inculcated in the minds of the researchers and faculties through series of workshops and training programs at institute level in coming months, on the following themes,
1. Design Thinking and Innovation in Architecture Design Studios
2. IPR in Architecture and Planning
3. Research Methods in Architecture and Planning
4. Research Proposal Writing and Funding Agencies
5. Interdisciplinary Conferences, Symposium and Workshop
6. Faculty Development Programs for Faculties
7. Industry Academia Interaction for Joint Research Projects
Further, IPR Cell shall be created for assisting the researchers and faculties in all the aspects of IPR, including assistance in filing of IP, design registration, documentation process etc. Apart from school level initiatives, essential training and capacity building programs for the faculties and researchers is proposed to expand the multidisciplinary approach in research and innovation, through various faculty specific development programs which includes training on latest software applications, computation techniques, quantitative and experimental research techniques etc. Further, faculties are encouraged to collaborate with other institutions of repute at national and international level for research projects.
At SPA Vijayawada state-of-the-art laboratories have been created and is in continuous up-gradation to facilitate the students, researchers and the faculties to conceptualize, preserve, document and experiment their ideas for possible IP generation in the form of copyright and patents in art work, sculptors, architectural designs, spatial organization, representation techniques, graphics, joinery details using the labs such as art lab, model making and carpentry lab etc. Traditional and indigenous knowledge mapping, new eco-friendly materials, alternative materials and technologies are encouraged to be developed in building material & construction lab, conservation lab, and material testing lab. Cost-effective, disaster resistance structures and materials shall be experimented at Structures lab/ Material Testing Lab & Survey Lab and Building Construction Yard. Geographical indications, context and problem based innovative solutions for climate, energy, acoustic; landscape and transport etc are encouraged to be taken up at Environmental Lab, Climatology/ Energy Studies/ Acoustic Lab, Transportation Lab and Landscape Lab. Further, integration of labs and laboratories with planning and design studios are to be taken up for effective dissemination of knowledge amongst the students, researchers and faculties, and also for development of new technologies for addressing the current problems.
In terms of outreach, SPA Vijayawada has been continuously joining hands with leadings institutes and organisations of the world, not only to provide exposure to our students towards the best practices in the world, but also to share and learn from each collaboration. Our School has Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) with several reputed National, International institutions and organisations like - Solent University, UK; University of Melbourne, Australia; Krems University, Austria; Hafencity University, Germany; University of Cologne, Germany; University of Florence, Italy; and Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Recently we have signed an MoU with UN-Habitat for research collaboration. We have conducted joint studio exercises with students of some of these foreign universities. We are in close network with the two other SPAs at New Delhi and Bhopal, and have collaborative arrangements with the Council of Architecture (CoA), Institute of Town Planners, India (ITPI); the Indian Institute of Architects (IIA); the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) the National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC), Hyderabad; the Amravati Metropolitan Region Development Authority (AMRDA); the Andhra Pradesh Human Resource Development Institute (AP-HRDI), APTIDCO, APGBCL, Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC), National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) and many others. Eminent professionals and practisioner come to our campus often to deliver talks and interact with the students.
Patents Filed
Through Design and Innovation Centre (DIC) of SPA Vijayawada, two innovative social responsive products are being developed, which are ‘Temporary Housing Units’, and ‘Self-inking Kalamkari Printing Blocks’. Patent filing for one of the projects is already carried out and the second is in the process.
Institute innovation Cell (IIC)
SPA Vijayawada has created IIC in its campus, which promotes and supports the culture of innovation in the institute. SPA Vijayawada implements some of the calendar events of IC. Through this, two products are being developed by the faculty of SPA Vijayawada along with students which are in the process of patent filing.
During the lockdown, all the students vacated the hostels, except for one thesis student, he was continuously monitored and looked after by our warden Ar. Prashanti Rao and Chief Warden Dr. YS Rao . The student Mr. Vikram left SPAV after successfully completing his thesis by the end of June, and emerged as one of the toppers in the B.Arch. thesis.
Regarding the Academic Activities (conduction of the classes, Internal and External Evaluation etc):
1) The faculty undertook the online classes wef April 1, 2020 to April 30, 2020. The internal evaluation was conducted wef April 27-April 30, 2020. The various digital platforms such as Google Meet, Skype, Microsoft Team Link, Google classroom etc were used for the conduct of the classes.
The faculty availed the vacations wef May 1 to June 8, 2020.
The remedial/ Summer classes for the hand holding classes for certain students were also conducted wef May 10 to June 10, 2020 during the summer break.
2)Two important meetings of BoG, Senate were conducted during April- May through circulation of papers. Many important Academic decisions regarding conduction of the examinations were also taken by Senators through circulation of papers in line with the framework of UGC guidelines.
3) The external thesis Juries /Viva-Voce for the Final year B.Arch., M.Arch. B. Plan and M. Plan were conducted wef mid of June till the end of June by inviting the experts from Industry and Academia; the Architects such as Dr. Harimohan Pillai, Ar. Charanjit Singh Shah, Dr. Manoj Mathur, Dr. Anil Dewan, Ar. Anurag Roy, Ar. Sanjay Prakash, Dr. Rommel Mehta, Ar. Jit Gupta and Ar. Surinder Bahga and many others experts for Planning discipline conducted the juries. Mostly Google Meet and Skype platforms were used for the conduction of Juries, which went on very smoothly. Some of our students were found to be excellent and these have been placed by the same Jurors, who examined them.
3) The End Semester theory examinations for the final years shall be conducted online wef July 13-July 15, 2020. Their result shall be declared by July end.
4) The Online Practical Training Viva-voce shall be conducted shortly. ( After July15, 2020).
5) From July end onwards, we shall be planning for the End semester examination or Composite scheme shall be worked out for the Intermediate semesters as per the UGC guidelines.
6) The Grievances and Mental Health and Counselling team was constituted for the welfare of the students, which continuously has been in touch with the students during these difficult and challenging times.
Research and Consultancy:
1) SPAV retained its 9th rank in NIRF like last year, it consistently obtained 9th rank for 2019 as well as 2020. Nevertheless, the marks obtained in 2020 were on the higher side.
2) SPAV was asked to participate in the designing and planning of Sub centres and Primary Health centres, taking care of the site, materials availability and climatic considerations. We were asked to consider Vastu principles also for placing the different units. The various meetings took place with the Minister of finance and other chief Bureaucrats of the State of Andhra Pradesh. The work produced by SPAV was highly appreciated.
3) The state Govt. also approached us for the Polavaram Project, wherein we were being asked to landscape the area and construct various Physical units including administrative complex. The spade work on the project is in progress.
4) The Ministry of Panchayati Raj and Rural Development approached SPAV for the spatial Planning of two villages. We selected two villages from the Krishna district and sent the preliminary demographic data. We have frequent online meetings with MoPR from Delhi and AP.The work is in progress.
5) SPAV has adopted five villages(Savarigudem, Jakkulanekkalam, Kesarapalle, Ajjampudi and Buddavaram) under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan and DTCP approached us for the preparation of GIS based Master Plan for two big towns/Villages Bhimavaram and Elluru. The work is in progress.
6) We are continuously collaborating with the other Institutes of repute within India which includes NIT, IIIT and IIT of the state. The latest inked MoU is with NID Andhra Pradesh.
7) At the personal front, I guided three B.Arch theses, three M.Arch Landscape theses and undertook online summer classes. For Ph.D, I am giving the guidance to six Ph.D Scholars. For all these students, periodic Juries evaluation and Viva took place. Towards the effort to improvise the research parameter, I have completed another book as an author on "Vernacular Architecture of Valleys of Himachal Pradesh" and contributed 3-4 papers and targeted their publication in Scopus Indexed and SCI Journals.
8) Five Ph.D open online Seminars were undertaken by Ar. Banu Chitra, Sh. Prasanth Vardhan, Ar. Srinivas D, Ar. Karteek G, Ar. Kranti Kumar and Ar. Nagaraju in 2020. The candidates submitted the Ph.D reports for evaluation and subsequently for final defense.
Regarding Campus Activities:
1)Undertaking of plantation drive in SPAV Campus.
2) The execution Construction yard by the students of SPAV to get hands- on experience in the making of the yard.
3) Completion of permanent Boundary Wall for SPAV Campus.
4) All the Directors of SPAs along with Head Deptt. of Arch. IIT Kharagpur Prof.Joy Sen was invited by ITPI for a webinar on the theme "Revisiting Planning Practices & Education for New Normal" in May 2020.
5) Faculty of SPAV Sh. Barun Mandal conducted a webinar/ online workshop on Colour wash for the students of first and second year B.Arch. The latter received a good response . Another webinar shall be conducted by SPAV inhouse faculty on July 17, 2020.
6) Various online/offline meetings were conducted to deliberate on the hostel, mess related, research, consultancy, Construction and Academic Activities.
7) SPAV is working for Municipal corporation for giving the landscaping solutions to Moghalrajpuram Caves and pedestrianisation of Besant road of the city of Vijayawada.
8) The news letters were published by the Architecture and Planning Deptts during the lockdown time period.
SPAV has Secured 9th Position in the Architecture Category in National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) – 2019 ranking by the Govt of India. It also secured the 11th Position in the Architecture Colleges in India by India Today Group.
2. ‘Green UP SPAV Campaign’ of SPA Vijayawada
The SPAV campus commissioned the facility of Roof-top Solar Power generation with 183 KW per day with 108000 kwh units of generation per year. SPAV also commissioned the Sewage Treatment Plant with 100 KLD capacity wherein recycled water from the campus is to be used for gardening and flushing of toilets. It initiated the installation and commissioning of a composting yard for managing and reusing kitchen waste and compost manure. All these facilities are under operation at present.

3. FDP on Communicating Research and Open-access Publishing (CROP-2019) (17-22-Jun-2019)
A Faculty Development Programme (FDP) was organized by School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada, (an Institute of National Importance) on Communicating Research and Open-AccessA Faculty Development Programme (FDP) was organized by School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada, (an Institute of National Importance) on Communicating Research and Open-Access Publishing (CROP-2019) during 17th June - 22nd 2019. The main purpose of this program was to create awareness about scientific research writings (structure, style, language, scope, content, methodology, etc.), peer-review process, scientific misconduct and open access publication that help to increase individual or institutional citations, visibility, rank, and reputation. Prof. Minakshi Jain, Chairperson, CROP and Director of SPA Vijayawada invited and honored Guests Prof. DVLN Somayajulu, Director, IIITDM Kurnool and Prof. N. Sundararajan, Professor (Retd.), Nanyan Technological University, Singapore) for this program. More than 65 participants (both external and internal academicians, researchers and students) across the country were participated to witness the program. About Nine (09) experts (both national and international) from the diverse field of academics, research and publication and industry have been invited to disseminate their knowledge towards beneficial for the participants.
4. International Day of Yoga
As per the unaninomous declaration by the United Nations General Assembly in the year 2014, 21 June, the longest day of the year, is designated as International Day of Yoga. The 5th International Day of Yoga was celebrated on 21 June, 2019 at the School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada. As part of the same, Yoga cum Meditation session of 75 minutes duration was conducted from 06.15 AM till 07.30 AM. The session was conducted with the able cooperation of SPAV’s newly constituted NSS Unit Officers / SPAV faculty members and staff. The event was attended by Faculty, Staff and guests of SPAV and external participants of Faculty Development Programme at SPAV, scheduled during 17-22 June, 2019.
5. Expansion of Academic activities
SPA Vijayawada has introduced two new PG programmes in the last semester to add to its academic portfolio and now boasts of offering seven PG programmes in total and two UG program in addition to its doctoral program. ‘Master of Architecture with specialisation in Conservation’ and ‘Master of Building Engineering and Management’ were the latest PG programs offered. The other PG programmes are specialising in ‘Environmental Planning’, ‘Urban and Regional Planning’, ‘Transport and Infrastructure Planning’, ‘Sustainable Architecture’, ‘Architectural Conservation’, Building Engineering & Management’ and ‘Landscape Architecture’.
6. Special Lecture on Urban Design and Public Space Management by Prof. Uwe S. Brandes
A Special Lecture on "Urban Design and Public Space Management" by Uwe S. Brandes, Professor of Practice and Faculty Director, Urban and Regional Planning Program, Georgetown University was arranged at School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada on Friday, August 2nd2019. As a part of lecture series hosted by U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad, Prof. Brandes had agreed for a special lecture followed by discussion with Faculty and Students (students of M. Plan (URP and EPM), B. Plan (Final Year), M. Arch (Sustainable Architecture) and B. Arch (Final Year)) at School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada.
Spic Macay
SPAV conducted the SPIC-MACAY Programme, which completed its 42 Years in 2019. The programme was conducted on the 13th August 2019, at 4:30 PM in Exhibhition Hall (Ground Floor) of the SPAV Institute Block. Eminent Artist and versatile Kathak Dancer Pt. Rajendra Gangani ji was among with us on the occasion to perform along with other instrumental artists who were accompaying him. During this programme, the Andhra Pradesh Chapter Spic Macay Coordinator Mrs. Lakshami Kona also visited to the institute for orientation about the SPIC MACAY to the students of SPAV. The Honorable Director, Students and faculties attended the program and enjoyed with full zeal.

7. Hindi Diwas
The month long Hindi Pakhwada marking the Hindi Diwas, culminating in the Hindi Diwas Celebrations on the National Hindi Diwas (14th September 2019) was flagged off on 16th August 2019, (Friday). There were several events planned for every week till the 14th of September 2019. The first day’s competitions (16th august 2019) included an essay writing competition for which topics were given on the spot. It elicited a fairly large response from UG, PG and even Faculty of SPA Vijayawada. In the second week on 23rd August 2019, a Hindi Handwriting Competition was held, and on 6th September 2019, the extempore elocution competition was held. Finally on 13th September 2019, on the actual designated day of the Hindi Diwas, the poster making competition was held based on the theme of the importance of the Hindi Diwas.

8. 73rd Independence Day Celebration
SPAV celebrated 73 Independence Day with unprecedented patriotic fervour. The event commenced by inviting all the students, faculty and administration members to assemble at the open stage auditorium. The Director SPAV hoisted the national flag, followed by national anthem sung by the students of SPAV. The event was followed by speech by the director SPAV and later followed by different cultural activities like group songs, planting saplings, etc.
9. Research Project - Building Resilient Urban Communities (BReUCom)
Building Resilient Urban Communities (BReUCom) is a project funded under EU Erasmus+ Program in the field of Capacity Building in Higher Education focusing on how to confront and be resilient to upcoming challenges related to imapcts of climate change on human settlements. In BReUCom project, there are 4 Indian partners (SPA Vijayawada, SPA Bhopal, NIT Hamirpur, and KRVIA, Mumbai) and 2 European (Danube University, Austria; and ITC, Netherlands) where the partners are together undertaking 10 research projects to add to the overall body of knowledge being generated in this theme. In this context, SPAV is undertaking 3 case studies aligning with BReUCom project. The project started in Feb 2019 and is of two-year duration. The Case Studies are in final stages, subsequent to which each partner shall develop Professional Development Programmes for working professionals.
10. Plantation Drive by NSS Unit At SPA, Vijayawada
The National Service Scheme Unit (NSS) of School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada organized a Plantation Drive in the college premises on September 04, 2019 from 5:00pm to 07:00p.m. The event was attended by the Director, SPAV, NSS Programme Officer, NSS Programme Coordinator and 80 student volunteers. The event was flagged off by the Director, Prof. (Dr.) Minakshi Jain who planted a sapling in the presence of NSS volunteers. Plant Saplings were procured from Forest department, Vijayawada who generously donated around 700 saplings comprising of indigenous plants of the region such as Neem, Gulmohar Peepal, Kanuga, Copperpod ,Banyan, Bougainvillea, Hibiscus , Tecoma Capensisi ,Heena.
11. Urban Green Space Analysis Using Geospatial Techniques for City Planning
A one day seminar on “Urban Green Spaces using Geo-spatial Techniques for City Planning” by Dr. RaaJ Ramsankaran, Associate Professor and head of Hydro Remote Sensing Applications Group (H-RSA) Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, was arranged by Department of Planning at the School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada on Friday, August 20, 2019 for the final year students of Master of Planning (MURP & MEPM), Bachelor of Planning, M. Arch (Sustainable Architecture) and M. Arch (Landscape Architecture) programmes. The session included a special lecture followed by a hands-on training session with the faculty and students at GIS Lab, Department of Planning, School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada; and the discussion that followed focused on data procurement, use, analysis including NDVI at city and neighborhood level.
12. Golden Jubilee National Service Scheme (NSS) Day (26-Sep-19)
On the occasion of Golden Jubilee Celebration of NSS Day on 24th September,2019 NSS Unit of School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada organized a series of events over two-day i.e. 23 September 2019 and 24 September 2019 for the enthusiastic NSS volunteers to come forward and contribute for a well- being. Day 1 (23-09-19): On the first day, two events were organized which included Sketching Competition and Debate. The first event of the day i.e. sketching competition was themed to mark the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatama Gandhi. The participants were given to choose topics from any of these sub-themes Satyagraha, Gandhi Portrait, Unity in Diversity and Dandi March. The sketching competition was followed by the debate competition on the topic “Where the city lights can’t reach lies the real India”. The volunteers had shown an active participation and made the event successful.
13. Local Dissemination Workshop under (Building Inclusive Urban Communities) "BINUCOM"
SPAVijayawada (SPAV) organised its second Local Dissemination Workshop (LDW) on 26-27 September, 2019 as a part of itsongoing project titled “Building Inclusive Urban Communities (BINUCOM)”, a research project funded under the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Program in the field of Capacity Building in Higher Education towards Inclusive Communities. The Commissioner of Vijayawada Municipal Corporation Shri Prasanna Venkatesh V., (IAS.), graced the occasion with his presence which was presided over by Director of SPAV, Prof. Dr. Minakshi Jain. He interacted with the speakers, dignitaries and students on aspects of integrating the informal sector with the growth of the city. The workshop was inaugurated by Director of SPAV, Prof. Dr. Minakshi Jain in the august presence of Prof. Dr. Janaki Rama (Principal of Department of Architecture and Planning at the Acharya Nagarjuna University), Emeritus Prof. Dr. M Prasad (University of Hyderabad), Former Mayor of Vijayawada, Shri Janjhayala Sharmaand the project team.The workshop is of great significance as SPA Vijayawada entered into an MoU with VMC on research collaboration to develop different planning and architecture aspects of the city. Amongst many other potential collaborative projects, evolving a heritage corridor connecting the caves of the city and upgrading and de-congesting of commercial zones are two focus areas of development contemplated in the coming times as an outcome of the MoU.
14. Composting Facility in SPAV Campus under “Green Up SPAV Campaign” (Oct. 2019)
Recently in the month of October 2019, SPAV has purchased and installed a composting machine of 250Kg/day capacity near the STD in the 2.66 acre campus. This compositing machine will convert the organic waste of the campus into manure which can be used for horticulture activities. The machine is placed in the M.S Shed. An alternative gas bank was constructed at the kitchen area which is also placed in a M.S Shed. The materials used for the fabrication of the shed like roofing material, MS pipes are reused materials which are dismantled and brought from the previous rented campus.
15. Swachh Bharat @ SPAV on 152th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi - Fit India Run
The NSS Unit of School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada organized the Fit India Plog Run, a dual initiative of creating a clean and fit India, in a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary. About 40 NSS volunteers, NSS Programme Officer and Coordinator and few faculty members joined in the 2 kilometer run and picked up plastic and other waste from the road, putting them into bags and later dumping in large garbage bins. The route covered is shown below. Each volunteer felt obliged to do their bit towards a healthier India. The visit was educational for volunteers and fostered the goodwill of the community. After the plog run event, the NSS volunteers undertook Cleanliness Drive within the institute to make our institute clean and hygienic. The volunteers through their efforts made a significant difference in the condition of the corridors and grounds. The Unit and volunteers, both committed to the regular upkeep of the campus. NSS Programme Officer and Coordinator appreciated the volunteers for taking part in this event and encouraged to undertake and participate many more such activities. The photographs of the event are placed in the succeeding pages.
16. Vertical Design Studio
Vertical Design Studio Workshop was an initiative in enhancing the learning culture in design studios. The main objective of the Vertical Design Studio is to integrate the culture of working together with students of different batches which fosters cross learning scenario; to inculcate team effort competitively and to mutually share ideas across the studios; to work within a stipulated time frame; to enhance the students thinking process constructively; to improve teaching methodologies and practices and allow the students to engage and participate effectively at the studio and to streamline their productivity. The Vertical Design Studio workshop was conducted for 5 days from 15th – 19th October 2019, involving students from 2nd year to final year undergraduate and postgraduate students of architecture. The broader theme identified for the workshop was “Urban Arena – Relooking Vijayawada”. The students were divided into nine groups working on nine subthemes mentored by experts from industry and academia along with the internal faculty members.
17. Vigilance Awareness Week
In an attempt to increase awareness towards prevention of corruption in the country, Vigilance Awareness Week was observed in School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada on 31st October 2019. The theme for this year’s Vigilance Awareness Week was "Integrity-A way of life". The staff and faculty gathered in open auditorium to take pledge while the students took the pledge in their class rooms.
18. Rashtriya Ekta Diwas - Run For Unity
NSS unit of School of Planning & Architecture, Vijayawada observed Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, National Unity on 31.10.2019 in collaboration with the NCC unit & Administration, Staff & Students of SPAV. The event had participation in large numbers of Staff Students & teachers took an oath to preserve the unity, integrity and security of the nation in the spirit of unification of the county. This was followed by Run for Unity headed by the NSS Cell in which around 300 members constituting NSS Volunteers, Faculties, Staffs & Students of SPAV had walked from SPAV Campus via ITI Road covering 2.5 kms. Thereafter students also engaged themselves in reading, writing and discussing about the life history and contribution of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel towards making of India.
19. Mogalrajpuram Heritage Walk with Vijayawada Municipal Corporation
The Moghalrajpuram caves are located in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. They are home to three temples. It is one of the centrally protected monuments of national importance Moghalrajapuram is a major neighborhood in Vijayawada which encompasses majority of residential and commercial buildings, it is located in the heart of the city along the Moghalrajapuram hills. These Caves are said to have been discovered in the 5th century AD during an evacuation. It is one of its kind in the whole of South India. The caves have five rock-cut sanctuaries. The caves are in ruins presently. The caves house the idols of Lord Nataraja and Lord Vinayaka and hence, draw a lot of devotees due to their religious importance. The proposed heritage walk is envisioned to create the green network, within neighborhood it facilitates the recreational opportunities for community and tourist facilities. The planning is principles are to promote pedestrian responsive circulation, rerouting of vehicular circulation framework for available open spaces around the proximity and create opportunities to exhibit local art and craft. The project is conceptualized together with the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC).
20. World Town Planning Day 2019 - Sustainable and healthy Communities Guest Lecture Prof. Dr. Eric Leclerc from France
SPA Vijayawada organized a half-day event on November 7th 2019 to celebrate the World Town Planning Day 2019, with the theme on ‘Sustainable & Healthy Communities’. Prof. Dr. Eric Leclerc, visiting Professor (as a part of CIII cell) from University of Lille, France, was the guest speaker for the WTPD 2019. Other speakers for the day included, Prof. Dr. Minakshi Jain (Guest of Honour), Dr. Adinarayanane (Head, Department of Planning), Dr. Ayon Tarafdar (Associate Professor), and Assistant Professors (Department of Planning) Mr. Aman Singh Rajput, Mr. Ankit Kumar, Mr. Albert Joseph Hefferan and Mr. Piyush Kumar, highlighted the need for sustainable and healthy communities and implementing the SDG11 in India.
21. Workshop by Design Innovation Centre
The Design Innovation Centers (DIC) of SPAV conducted a workshop in November 2019 on aspects of innovation in design of built form.
22. Special lecture on "Climate Change and Vulnerability of Coastline and Coastal Infrastructure"
A special lecture on “Climate Change and Vulnerability of Coastline and Coastal Infrastructure”, by Dr. Komali Kantamaneni, Research Fellow, Maritime, Technology and Environment, Solent University, United Kingdom, followed by interaction session will be arranged at the Exhibition Hall, School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada on Saturday, November 30, 2019.
23. The students of planning participated in the Annual NOSPLAN Convention 2019 held at UPES Dehradun and secured the “Second Runners Up” amongst all the educational institutions in planning across the country. In terms of formal events, SPAV students secured First Prize in the competitions of ‘Current Practices’, Second Prize in ‘Showcase Pin-up’ and ‘Wall Painting’. The NOSPLAN Annual Convention had over 1500 planning students delegates participating this year in over 15 competitive events.
24. B.Planning student Mr. Leelavamsi Chadarajupalli (2015-2019 Batch) was recipient of the Best UG Planning thesis award for the academic year 2018-19 by the Institute of Town Planners, India (ITPI). The award is a prestigious achievement where each of best planning theses of all planning institutes in the country is examined by a national level jury to identify the best thesis of the year 2019.
25. A team of four students from the Department of Planning have been recognized as the top winner of Wipro Earthian 2019 Challenge, which was themed this year on intelligent and sustainable management of “Water, Food and Waste”. This national level competition had participants from various universities representing different disciplines across the nation who submitted entries on innovating on aspects of management of water, food, or waste.
26. Under the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) project funded by the Government of India, SPA Vijayawada has adopted five villages for which development plan has been prepared with involvement of the local people. The project is under implementation stage.
27. At the Design and Innovation Centre (DIC) of SPA Vijayawada, two innovative social responsive products are being developed, which are ‘Temporary Housing Units’, and ‘Self- inking Kalamkari Printing Blocks’. Design registration for both the products in progress. Design ideas of these products were presented in All India DIC meet in SPA Delhi, April 2019.
28. SPA Vijayawada is providing advisory and technical support to the Directorate of Town and Country Planning, Government of Andhra Pradesh for the revision of the Town and Country Planning Act 2020.
29. SPA Vijayawada is in the process of preparing the GIS based Master Plans for Bheemavaram region (consiting of three settlements of Bheemavaram, Tanuku and Narasapuram) and for Eluru region (consiting of three settlements of Eluru, Palakollu and Jangareddygudem). These Master Plan projects are funded under the AMRUT scheme of Government of India and are prepared for the Directorate of Town and Country Planning.
30. The School is undertaking a research project funded by the European Union titled ‘Building Resilient Urban Communities (BReUCom)’ which is being executed together with Danube University Austria, ITC Netherlands, SPA Bhopal and NIT Hamirpur.
31. The School is in the process of suggesting and developing a heritage walk project in the city of Vijayawada, which connects its historic caves. This is getting developed together with Vijayawada Municipal Corporation.
32. In Feb 2019, the School conducted a ‘3 day National Conference on Building Inclusive Urban Communities’ attended by over 15 foreign delegates from Europe and over 50 national delegates discussing innovative ways to design informal settlements.
33. SPAV conducted a 3 day Lecture series on “Experiential Learning On Architectural Journalism” for the students of planning and architecture, organized as an initiative of the Centre for Institute Industry Interactions (CIII) and School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada during 22-24th February 2019 by Ms. A Dutta.
34. SPAV conducted a One-Day awareness program on Energy Conservation and Building Code (ECBC) followed by Four days workshop on Energy Conservation and Building Code (ECBC) in March, 2019.
35. We conducted a 6 day Faculty Development Programme on ‘Communicating Research and Online Publications (CROP 2019)’ in June 2019 attended by over 70 participants.
36. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak of Dept of Planning presented a paper at the round table discussion during the “World New Cities Summit” held at Sangdo, South Korea organized by the New Cities Foundation Canada during June 7 to 10, 2019.
37. Dept of Planning and Architecture organised various special lectures by eminent
academicians from India and abroad. Some noteworthy talks held in SPAV campus were –
a. Special Lecture by Prof. Dr. Michael Tomlan, Cornell University USA on ‘Planning
and Preservation of Heritage Zones’, held in Jan 2020.
b. Special Lecture by Dr. Komali K., Solvent University, UK on Climate Change and
Vulnerability in Coastal Regions’ in Nov, 2019.
c. Special Lecture by Dr. Eric Leclerc, University of Lille, France on Sustainable healthy
Communities’ in Nov, 2019.
d. Special Lecture in Aug 2019, by Prof. U. S. Brandes of Washington University on
‘Public Space Management in Washinton DC’.
e. Special Lecture by Dr. Raaj Ramsankaran, IIT Mumbai on ‘Urban Green Spaces and
Use of Geospatial Techniques’ in Aug, 2019.
f. Special Lecture by Prof. Dr. Ebba Brink from Lunds University Sweden on
‘Vulnerability Studies and Planning’ held in Feb 2019.
g. Lecture by academicians and practising experts from NIUA Delhi, IIT Roorkee, SPA
Delhi, SAP Chennai, AP-CRDA, DTCP Chandigarh, etc.
h. In September 2018, Special Lectures were conducted by Ar. Sathya Prakash
Varanashi and Prof. Manoj Mathur, SPA Delhi.
i. A Special Lecture on Urban Design by Architect Prasanna Desai from Pune was
organised in October, 2018.
j. Special Lectures by Dr. Garima Sipani, Mr. J.B.P Sudhir, Ar. Sriganesh Rajendran
were held in 2019 on topics of Ergonomics, HVAC planning, Landscape architecture
respectively. Series of guest lectures on Building Construction and Structures were
held by Mr. Amodh Luman, Structural and Project Management Consultant, Mumbai
in 2019.
k. Various other special Lecture by eminent architects like Prof. Dr. Nalini Thakur, Ar.
Prasanna Desai, Ar. J Subramanian, Ar. Apoorva Dutta, Ar. Jit K Gupta, Ar. Balbir
Verma, Dr. Kalai Selvi etc on various topics of advanced research domains were
1. Shifting of the Institute to Permanent Campus
The School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada shifted its activities to its permanent campus recently in June 2018, which is located in the heart of Vijayawada city along the ITI road, extending to around 9.66 acres. It houses the main academic and administrative block with a total built-up area of around 30,000 sqm, the Boys hostels with about 14,000 sqm of built-up area spread over two blocks, Girls hostels with about 6,200 sqm of built-up area and a Dining cum Visiting Faculty Guest House with about 4,300 sqm of built-up space. The campus also has an additional 2.66acre land with green cover, which is to be developed as outdoor sports facility.
2. Setting up of Infrastructure and Laboratories in the new SPAV Campus
After shifting to permanent campus, SPAV established many labs, workshops and support facilities to aid the teaching learning process. The campus was made ICT enabled for high end teaching atmosphere, high end digital surveillance systems, spacious studios and smart classrooms, open-air theatres, auditorium, cafeteria, and outdoor sports facilities. The campus boasts of Computer Labs, Geoinformatics Lab, Art Lab, Material Testing Lab, Surveying Lab, Carpentray Lab, Terrain Modelling Lab, Climatology Lab, Environmental Monitoring Lab and Structural Lab. The LAN in te campus caters to approximately 800 users at a time. All common areas are connected by WiFi and 1-GBPS Internet connectivity is provided through NKN-NMEICT. Central Library of SPAV is one of the ingenious and technical libraries in the southern region supporting teaching, learning, research and consultancy activities in the areas of Planning and Architecture. The central library is well equipped with both Wi-Fi and Broad Band Internet connectivity.
3. Inauguration of SPAV Campus by Hon'ble Vice President of India and Hon'ble Governor of Andhra Pradesh
On August 23, 2018, SPAV inaugurated the new campus in the august presence of Shri. Shri Venkaiah Naidu, Honourable Vice President of India and Shri. E S L Narasimhan, the Honourable Governor of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The occasion was also graced by Shri. R. Subhrahmanyam, Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, many leading Architects and Planners of the region, the honourable members of the Senate of SPA Vijayawada and members of the Board of Governors of SPA Vijayawada.

4. Start of ‘Green UP SPAV Campaign’ of SPA Vijayawada
The SPAV campus initiated a long term campaign of “Green Up SPAV” aimed towards being environmentally sensitive and careful of Nature in the functioning of the campus. It started the functioning and operation of two ground water recharge pits where the entire storm water runoff of the campus is guided to these two pits for recharge. It installed LED lightings with automatic sensors, andsolar powered water heaters for hostels and guest house. It started building a nursery and other more green initiatives to a develop sustainable environment in and around the campus. Green Up SPAV was a program initiated on January 2018 to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Solid Waste in the Campus under the Swatch Bharat Abhiyaan. Under this program the School has started segregating solid waste generated in the campus which are sent for recycling.
5. Research project - ‘Building Inclusive Urban Communities’ - BInUCom
Building Inclusive Urban Communities (BReUCom) is a research project funded under EU Erasmus+ Program in the field of Capacity Building in Higher Education focusing on how to develop inclusive planning and architectural design processes that includes the marginalized and impoverished. The School conducted its first ‘Local Dissemination Workshop on Inclusive Planning for Informal Communities’ funded by the European Union in October 2018 with over 75 participants. The former Mayor of Vijayawada, attended this along with representatives of the local government, Vijayawada Municipal Corporation, local NGOs, slum dwellers and academics from Lund University, Sweden.
6. Achievements of Students
SPAV students succeeded in winning many trophies at the annual convention hosted by National Association of Students of Architecture (NASA) in 2018. The students also won several competitions including Gateway of Amaravati Design Competition in 2018 organized by The Indian Institute of Architects, Andhra Pradesh Chapter, Transparence National Competition 2018 to Design Mother and Child Hospital, IGBC Green Design Competition, ‘My City in History’ Short Video competition during the ‘International Conference on History of Architecture’ held by GREHA and ICCR, Govt. of India
1. Expediting the Construction of the New Campus and Shifting of Hostels to New Campus
SPAV expedited the completion of construction activities of its new campus in a time bound phased manner. It completed the construction of the hostels first and initiated the shifting of boys and girls hostels in June-July 2017. This enabled SPAV to shift from the private leased hostel premises into an integrated state of the art hostel complex. Thereafter, the Guest House Block with Integrated Dining Facility was completed in Dec 2017 and made functional from Jan 2018. Target was set to shift to new campus in totality by middle of 2018.

2. Achievements of Students
SPAV students also stood overall second in annual convention hosted by National Organization of Students of Planning Annual Convention (NOSPLAN) in 2017. Students of SPAV won the Reubens Trophy and Overall championship at ZONASA-2017 and Landscape Trophy at Archifest Srijan- Vaishnodevi University. The students won the Amaravati Bridge Design Competition in 2017 organised by Amaravati Development Corporation.
3. Conduction of two GIAN programmes with International Faculty
GIAN is an initiative of MHRD, GoI under which Indian universities can invite foreign professors to interact and share their knowledge with Indian students. SPA Vijayawada conducted two such programmes where professors came from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway and from the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK and spent a week each on topics related to Sustainable Architecture and Land Management. The GIAN programme with Professor Markus Schwai from Norway was conducted by Asst. Prof. Karteek G. and the GIAN programme with Prof. Adam Sheppard from UK was conducted by Associate Prof. Dr. Ayon K Tarafdar.